Saturday, October 10, 2009

I'm sad...

I'm not sure why i'm sad, but I'm sad...
I find myself getting very upset, over nothing really.
Not sure if its because of all the birthdays that just passed, and who's they belonged to. Although thank YOU for allowing me to spend some time with you on yours. The other two... who knows.

Perhaps its because you are moving, you always said you would. I've known this for years, but for years you haven't. Now its looking like a definite reality, one that I'd better come to grips with very soon, or I may find myself upset, visibly upset at your farewell.... and I don't want to make it a sad event for you. But as I said today... I never thought I'd say it, especially after all that's happened, but despite it all, I'm going to miss you. Especially with how nice you've been lately. Makes me almost forget you were ever a jerk....

I don't know... I just hope I cheer up soon...

On the plus side, great audition in Canmore today, not nervous at all..... which is always a refreshing change. Why can't you ever see my good auditions?

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