Sunday, December 7, 2008


how the weather can change so much so quickly.
Thursday i went up to edmonton, the drive home took 6 hours 45 minutes as the highway was closed. was the trip worth it... still yes. great trip.
good talks,
and company for the highway closure so thats ok... scary though how a highway thats PURE ice, could look so dry and normal.... and feel normal... until slowing that is.
you make me like the snow, or maybe just cars.. i'm not sure.

the trip to edmonton seems to be easier and easier everytime, except maybe when theres a huge delay.
these nice guys gave me gas though so i wouldn't run out as we all had no idea how long we would be stopped.

now today, its crazy snow in calgary, and the forecast did not call for it. i myself haven't left the house all day.. but i hear roads are just awful.
I'm sad tonight, singing was cancelled (not due to roads) and i miss it... i should be there now. i know i just joined the group about a month ago but its been so awesome.
acting class is over tomorrow too.. that will be sad. i'll be sure to wear makeup but might cry anyways.

new job has started, it seems ok, i'll get used to it, just in time for it to be over and finished... but oh well. i just hope the roads get better. i'm excited that i get to fund an overnight trip to edmonton with the job though, and that it will pay weekly, thats pretty good too.

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